This year we took a spring break vacation to Marco Island, Florida. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth!
The kids (Bill included!) making a sand castle.
Bren got to hold a live baby alligator! I thought it wouldhave it's mouth bound shut, but nope! Needless to say, I was a bit nervous, but he did great! Hurry, Dad, take the photo!!!
Heaven on earth!!
The shells spell out "Sparks." Our condo was in the middle building.
All this fun is tiring!
The kids loved this sign: "Parents for sale. Buy one, get one FREE!"
We celebrated Brenny's 8th birthday in style with a HUGE strawberry shortcake! He was worried that he was going to have to eat it all. No worries, Bren, we will help!!
Nothing like an air boat ride in the Florida Everglades for a little excitement!! We saw an alligator up close and personal, right next to our boat. YIKES!!!!