Saturday, September 28, 2013

Charlotte Makes Student Council!!!

Charlotte was elected onto the Student Council at Lake Middle School!

Charlotte was elected to her student council this week.  From a very large class, she is one of 6 representatives who will serve for the whole 2013-2014 school year.

"Student Council is an organization that is active in decision making, promotes and encourages excellence, involves all students in activities and helps to make Lake Junior High the best in can be.  Our members are elected by their fellow students and are expected to maintain a high standard of behavioral and moral conduct as well as to uphold high academic standards."

I neglected to put on our blog last year when Brennan was voted Student of the month at Liberty Ridge Elementary!!

Happy hour with friends from work

Janet went out to Saji-Ya on Grand Avenue with Hubbs Center work friends, Lia and Alison.  Both ladies were former Team Leads and we were celebrating Janet's new appointment as one.  The title has also changed to Learning Team Facilitator.  Very nice to have the support of colleagues when making a move like that.

Alison with our highly-attentive waiter, Luther.

The fancy dessert.


Janet was also mentioned in the Hubbs Center newletter, the Hubbubb:
Kudos to Staff Members who are showcasing our good ABE Work
Kudos to three of our staff members who will be “taking their show on the road” to Metro North. Jennifer and Janet will be presenting Safely Integrating Technology and Lia will be presenting the Transitions Integrations Framework (TIF).
Also, a special additional thanks to Janet for starting our “Brown Bag Lunch” series by teaching the Promethean Board use. My experience is that our best staff development comes from our colleagues. More to come on future topics. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Geocaching and Walking at Afton State Park

We love Afton State Park.  It is so close to our home and offer nice views of the St. Croix River Valley and wonderful hiking trails (paved, dirt and meadows).  We always have a great time!!!
Scroll down to see all of the beautiful photos...

Brenny found a caterpillar.  He calls them all "Nonies" after the name of his first caterpillar.  This one, though, he officially named, George.  He carried George all around the park until George pooped in his hand.  Then Brenny decided it was time for George to go back to his home!

Fun family stuff

We hung out at Grammy's with Suzy!

Char and Bren are both in Tigersharks.

I picked Brenny up for school this week and he came out with a mustache! (Upside-down mustache!)

Bren always has fun before his piano lessons building with the K'Nex...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fall fun

We did our annual trek to Aamodt's Apple Orchard.  While there, we took a hay ride behind a tractor and the kids played in the hay maze and watched the billy goats fighting.

We were so happy that the Punch Pizza finally opened in Woodbury!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

First day of school 2013-2014 school year

Bill snapped a picture of Brenny on his first day of school, while Char took a self-portrait.  4th and 6th grades.  Time sure is flying!!!

Beautiful Weather Continues

We not only had an absolutely beautiful summer, but we are having a beautiful fall, too.  I know it's not good for the farmers (they need rain) but we have enjoyed warm temperatures and clear skies!

This week there was pretty sunrise after pretty sunrise as I drove to work, so I pulled to the side to take a quick picture:

This morning there was a beautiful rainbow:

Monday, September 2, 2013

Charlotte, the artist

Here is some of Char's handiwork on my arm .  She wants to be a face painter for kids.

New friends

Charlotte and Brennan have made some new friends, just before the start of the school year.  Emma and Shannon moved here this summer from Ann Arbor, Michigan and they've become goods friends to Brennan and Charlotte.  Here's a picture of the girls at the pool.

Brennan and Shannon have something in common = Minecraft!!!

Up at the Cabin with Grammy

Janet and kids took a few days to enjoy the cabin alone with Grammy.  It was relaxing -- no boating, only a little swimming, but lots of cards and reading.  What a relaxing, wonderful time! Such a memorable weekend!!