Friday, July 26, 2013

Recent activities

We went to the Hasting Arts & Craft Fair.  It was small and kind of lame, but Brenny definitely enjoyed his moment in this big army truck!!

Bill is finally "feeling the heat" at the pool...

Auntie Karen and I took Charlotte and her cousins, Juliet and Marissa, to the Moundsview Community Theater production of Les Miserables.  It was FANTASTIC!!!

We enjoyed a little dinner at Moe's beforehand...

The girls with "Eponine."

Friday, July 19, 2013

More boating...

Enjoying the weather while we can.  It's been sunny and hot.  Sunny and hot.  Sunny and hot.  So we are taking advantage by getting out on the boat as often as possible.  Here are some recent pix:

CC looking for snausages!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lemonade stand and boating with a cousin

Brennan and his friend, Anthony, had a lemonade stand on one of our very hottest days.  The boys drank most of the lemonade, but they had some customers and made most of their money in tips!

Launching our boat at White Bear, Brenny caught a fish off the dock!

Char loves tubing!

Charlotte and her cousin, Libby, sure had fun together!

Bill's got this relaxation thing down!

Brenny is starting to like tubing a little faster!

Pretty girl:

What a sunset!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fun night at the Stonemill Pool

We took a family evening swim up at our pool.  The kids loved hanging on Daddy...

Study, study, study

Final Capstone for MA in ESL

I am spending most of my free time studying research about digital literacy integration in adult ed curriculum.  As you can see, Honey is trying to say, "Take a break!!"

Waterpark with old friends

We took the kids to the Waterworks water park to meet up with Evelyn and Eli,  family friends since Charlotte was about 1 year old!  We were joined by another longtime friend, Catherine.  The kids had a great time on this very hot day!

Friday, July 12, 2013

At the pool with cousins!

We had Auntie Gayle, Nicholas, Miles and Suzy over for a day of fun at the pool and then back to our house for dinner and play time.  The kids ran around, going to the park and generally enjoying themselves, while the adults talked and laughed.  Fun with family, for sure!!

Boating day at White Bear

We had a good time boating around White Bear Lake.  Charlotte begged us to take her tubing.  She goes for high speed, while Brennan just likes to toodle around slowly.  Great day and great fun!