Saturday, May 18, 2013

Brenny tries the batting cages

Brenny has a new interest in baseball.  He's pretty good, too!

Charlotte sings at a Twins Game

Charlotte sang the National Anthem with her school choir at a Twins Game at Target Field, downtown Minneapolis. We all enjoyed the game!

Mother's Day 2013

This Mother's Day we went over to Grammy's and had a potluck dinner with siblings and cousins.  It was very fun, but even though it was mother's day, Dad's absence was noticeable...

The kids made an hung this wonderful sign for me!! 
(And I got lots of great homemade cards and presents!)

Brenny makes it to State "B" Swim Finals (and more Sparks family pix)

We were so proud of both Charlotte and Brennan as they completed swim season.  They both continue to swim faster and faster, improving on their own personal records and even winning ribbons.  Brenny made it to the State "A" and "B" finals competition in Edina.  Way to go, Bren!

More fun times for our family:
Char doing a booth on fluorescence at the school science fair.

Charlotte chose to portray and present about Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female doctor in the U.S. at her school's Famous American Fair.

Charlotte singing in a trio in the school choir concert.

Char got pink hair from the salon!

Honey cat

Like father, like son...

Jeffrey in his natural state

Char going for curls

When will spring arrive?

We have had an awful winter and an awful spring.  Cold, cold temperatures and lots of snow!!!  We keep taking pictures of the kids saying it's our "last snow day" and yet again, we have snow.  To give you an idea of how weird the weather is in MN, take a look at this:

Yes, it went from cold and snowy to 100 degrees within two weeks.  Crazy MN weather!!!

Janet's tire blew out on the freeway!  Nothing left of it!

We lost Grampy

February 5, 2013 was a very sad day for us as we lost our beloved Dad and Grampy, Vernon.  He had been experiencing fevers, nausea, night sweats and had lost weight.  The doctors were stumped.  There were no signs of cancer;  in fact, they thought it was probably an infection they could have cleared up quickly. On Friday, February 1st, (after a bone marrow biopsy) he was diagnosed with Lymphoma.  Over the weekend he went into intensive care and we lost him the following Tuesday.  The loss and shock we felt is indescribable...