Friday, August 10, 2012

Janet's Cousins' Cabin

The kids had fun jumping off the floating dock, tubing and their very near success at water skiing up at Janet's cousins' cabin near Turtle Lake,Wisconsin.

A wonderful weekend up at the Jaszewski cabin

Brenny created "footprints" with small pieces of a game called Quirkle that we love to play.  (By the way, Grammy Mary became addicted to this and still stops over to our house to play with the kids!) Bren loves to fish off the pontoon or the dock.

The kids each got a turn at driving Grampy and Grammy's pontoon boat!


Bill is looking pretty relaxed!   Brenny at a small-town restaurant that had a great tractor collection.

 A peaceful night at the cabin.  Good for sleeping. ZZZzzzzz......

Another day at White Bear Lake

Das boat brought us more fun on White Bear Lake.  

Brenny wrenching the boat up for towing...

Splashing around and enjoying the weather!

Silly kids!

Brenny tried out a french fry - moustache...

At their favorite taco place -- Rusty Taco (all fresh, locally-grown veggies, organic, etc.)

Berry picking

Wish I had a picture of us berry-picking, but we forgot to bring our camera,phones, etc.  It was an incredibly hot morning, but we got there early, picked our blueberries and headed home!  We ate many of them fresh, then froze some and are enjoying them in weekly smoothies!!

Day trip to Wisconsin

We made our annual trek to Crystal Cave, Wisconsin.  The kids absolutely love that tour of the caves buried 7 stories below the ground.  We stopped at a winery called Vino in the Valley on the way home and took a walk to a nearby river.  It was one of those record-setting hot, humid, horrible days, but we just tried to stay hydrated!!

4th of July fireworks

We are so lucky that we can see so many fireworks displays right from our own backyard.  Even our neighbors put on spectacular displays, using the same fireworks as the professional, city-sponsored events.  It truly is magnificent and we have the best seats in the house -- our porch!!

Bill and Bren enjoyed lighting our little fireworks and running and ducking for cover!

Just a small taste of what we see over our pond in our backyard.  So great!!!!

Independence Day BBQ

We had a wonderfully relaxing July 4th -- Bill bar-be-que'd hot dogs on over our fire pit and we enjoyed the record-breaking July temps. So far in 2012, we've had the warmest March on record (mid 70's), the 3rd warmest April, 2nd warmest May and warmest July (so many days above 90 degrees and HUMID!!!)  

Camps at the Science Musem

The kids enjoyed camps at the Science Museum of Minnesota, including Wizards School, Chemistry and Rockets & Robotics.  During the lunch breaks, Bill and I met them downtown St. Paul and walked around near the Mississippi River.  They enjoyed having their brains challenged a bit during the 3-month summer break!!

 Brennan was so proud of this robot and robot home he made at camp!